Friday, December 13, 2013


The poetry open mic reading at Kieran’s pub felt like watching a bike slide across the ice and the rider, bloody and mangled, begin to struggle to their feet only to have an SUV pulverize them.  The first poem started out travelling smoothly, but it went too far, drove a little too fast and subsequently crashed in the middle of its track across the road.  The concept of the first poem intrigued me, taking Poe’s The Raven but instead creating a humorous, modern, and erotic poem.  The rhythm and meter followed that of Poe’s work, forming an interestingly patterned and flowing poem.  However, I found the poem took its sexual theme to an extreme, perhaps for shock value or because the author couldn’t think of any other rhymes.  This caused it to become uncomfortable, not only for me, who feels awkward easily, but for most of the people in that room.  The bike had hit an icy patch, but it still had an opportunity to save itself before it wiped out.  The next poem does not merit classification as such.  A man stood before a regretfully open mic and ranted.  Unfortunately, open mics do not have rules in place for the revoking of poetry rights, something new I learned that night.  If terrible, distressingly illiterate writers wish to speak for five, or tragically, ten minutes, they cannot be stopped.  The bike had slipped into a tangled mess that nobody wants to witness, but the watcher cannot avert their eyes.  The night ended with a long prose poem that bordered significantly on the side of story.  The poem captured my attention with hopeful potential.  I believed for a moment this bike could still drive away, and took the time to appreciate the cozy, book filled room, the dark wood implying a severity and competency that none of the poems so far had encompassed.  I sipped on the lemonade I ordered because the reading took place in a bar.  My personal experience, sitting on a cushioned bench, enjoying my lemonade with crunchable and properly bit sized ice, found no issue, but the discomfort came from sympathetic embarrassment.  Witnessing a room full of one speaker, crashing in slow motion, while the rest of the onlookers cringe in their shared distress did not live up to my idea of a quiet, sincere and intellectual poetry evening as envisioned when I entered the library-esque back room of this polite little pub.  Suffice to say, the last story-poem suddenly turned cliché and difficult to follow, as the SUV of poetry standards leered above the floundering reading and drove straight over it, similar to the fate of the endearing puppy in the final poem.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


The seductive simplicity
Appeals to the practical,
The insignificance, how can it be wrong
If it matters so little, the honey coated
Words wrapped neatly in smooth silver,
Pleasantly crinkled paper, presented
On a platter, delivering exactly
The truth they want, how is it harmful
To provide the harmonious, hoped for
Response, no need to complicate
With dissident complaints,
After all, the talent to deliver
These candies perfectly wrapped
With anecdotal details, the flavor
Personalized for each of us,
Some prefer white, petty, innocent,
They say it’s not healthy, but
The indulgence tastes as sweet
As chocolate, smooth, innocuous,
Sates your hunger, and you’re good
At it, not just any store bought,
Not everyone provides such
Polite service, smiles innocently,
You know you want to hear these
Well crafted, thoughtful, homemade
Lies, sometimes, there is an
Aftertaste, but if you try just
One more, it goes away.


The room filled in your name, bustling children, grandchildren,
Their fast conversations vivacious crescendos, but your presence
Barely sustains, it seems as if you take less space with each rattling
Breath, you leave early and the bubbling, roiling energy reclaims
The vacancy in seconds, after you gingerly bestow a present with
Crooked claw hands, but a shaking fumble later, the box bends
On thick carpet and maroon blood blossoms below your transparent
Skin, ghost skin, crinkled over darkening pools, almost a surreal
Memory already, like the other grandmother, of whom my impressions lie
Foggy with the wear of time, pulling mere reflections from the surface
Of a once sea, acrid perfume of cigarettes, curiously stiff hair,
Soft eyes, overlarge as my father’s, staring out from a startling
Photograph, this woman I never consider, long packed into stuffy
Attics of ancient memories like the corroded silver jewelry eagerly
Snatched from drawers she no longer needed, soon forgotten by chaotic
Children, now of all places I see that face alongside the other
Grandmother, ironically among a celebration of age, yet the aged
Here shocks me with fragility, the resounding fall of the tightly wrapped
Gift calling attention to twisted fingers, the outlines of meager bones,
Hollow bones, mirroring the traces of thickening joints and spider hands
Of my mother, the nonlinear curve of my own pinky, as thin below supple
Skin so unlike my parchment genetic destiny, and now, holding
Ice on her lurid bruise growing like fungus, vainly trying to stem
This burgeoning weakness, I remember the other, unlined face that never
Will appear at its own eightieth birthday party but smiles jauntily from
The muted photograph with a permanent fortitude, unchanging youth.


You offered
Your sympathy, supersaturated syrup,
Poison to flesh imbued over years
With self reliance, self dependence, self
Pity, so if I cringe
At the self inflicted idea
That I am somehow weaker, that I cannot
Fix my own problems without salt stains
Down wet cheeks, I’m sorry, thank you
For asking but I will recover, I will not make this mistake again,
I cannot be another girl begging for help from stronger men,
As my body betrays me, the one that shakes
With surprised fear while you keep walking,
The treasonous weakness of my skin amongst the cold,
Submitting to the elements, or sordid exhaustion,
I cannot prevent these involuntary
Reactions that destroy cautiously created
Independence, the way I cannot reach
My sparring partner, practicing karate with
A man six feet two, I take an extra step, punch
With inconsequential force, the teacher nods assent,
My incomparable strength
Is not my fault,
It’s in my nature.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Final Project Proposal

I would like to create a single craft book with illustrations of about 15 to 20 of my poems.  I will not center on a common theme but work currently on more poems with a narrative, descriptive feel.  I will plan on placing my book in a public location, perhaps a coffee shop.


A barely perceptible thud
Jarring me more than its size merits,
The searing second image, two glossy eyes
Ghostly white in unforgiving headlights,
Scrutinizing the silent passenger who sits,
Stares back for this heartbeat but next finds
No eyes staring back, gone in an illustrious,
Imagined second, now the idea of surreal
Intimacy haunts, the specter twisted under
Wheels, waiting in sticky blood for the next car
To maul already matted fur, this car, hurtling
Murder weapon has long passed, no marks,
Not even a stain of that crimson life I saw
So vividly in the rearview mirror, verifying
That opossum were ever there, ever stared,
Ever died in the moonlit road to Iowa,
I checked the merciless metal, but nothing
Was left, so unlike the brutal screeching,
Scratching impact of reckless humans seeking
Insurance scam payouts, the greed leaving behind
Broken metal, scarred side doors, angry shouts,
A thud reverberating, but here along the quiet
Highway a white, silent creature strays too far
Into the unstoppable path of another violent

Car, slips under, and we keep driving.