Saturday, November 9, 2013


Close your eyes, the music will still play
It leaves your fingers to become surreal company,
Distinguished entity to join your lonesome hands
Connected to smooth machines of mystical ability,
Who created this perfect formulation, who decided
They could bend the trees into sound that pleases,
Almost deity, the physicality of this transformation
From an obscure language across creased pages
Into human flesh that surprises itself with each
Melody emerging, the tangible portrait of identity,
I have seen the numbers, mathematical proofs,
Neuroscience explanation of the fascination simple
Notes compel within our wired heads, and yet
An essence incontrovertible, unnamable emerges
From the fluttering cocoon of my dancing bow,
Why else would I set down the phone describing
What is irrevocably lost to sit down before inanimate
Keys and play the first melody I remember, this song,
Springing from me as if cued as messenger, the act of
Creating draws me back into humanity, into a peace
Of listening, letting this fantastical creature comfort me,
Haunting ghosts of imagination, when one note vibrates
We can hear the harmonic chords, the invisible presence
Of sequences falling into place, the periodic waves
Deceiving brains into believing an excess noise, invaluable
In this world of excess noise, I find words unnecessary,
Because I can envision infinite, self realized expressions
Within this peculiar cacophony of unknown reality,
Speaking inaudible secrets of unequaled capacity, Chomsky
Would find, I think, this wordless language lies as inherent
In our nature as vocalization, the personification
Of ancient harmony, constant in inconstancy, I cannot
Fathom what you hear, but I hear compassion, silence,
A universal will to share the possibilities of this, of any melody.

1 comment:

  1. There's a musicality to the poem that suits the subject. This should work well for your video poem.
